Disport - definition. What is Disport
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·vi To divert or amuse; to make merry.
II. Disport ·vi To remove from a port; to carry away.
III. Disport ·vi Play; sport; pastime; diversion; playfulness.
IV. Disport ·vi To Play; to Wanton; to move in gayety; to move lightly and without restraint; to amuse one's self.
¦ verb (disport oneself) archaic or humorous enjoy oneself unrestrainedly; frolic.
¦ noun archaic recreation; amusement.
?a pastime or sport.
ME: from OFr. desporter 'carry away' (from L. portare).
I. n.
(Poetical.) Play, amusement, diversion, pastime, sport, merriment.
II. v. n.
Play, gambol, frisk, frolic, sport, make merry, wanton, caper.
III. v. a.
Amuse, divert, entertain, cheer, solace, beguile, relax.
أمثلة من مجموعة نصية لـ٪ 1
1. Mind‘s infinite ideas run and disport themselves.
2. It explains so much, not least his decision to disport himself with metaphor where lesser officers may deem this a time to be prosaic.
3. If the deputy prime minister wishes to disport himself at the level of "Yeah but, no but, I heard Destiny call you a red–socked fop," that is a matter for him.